is now an officially hosted website! :) See you guys there!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Life Lately Chapter 8
Hi! I'm still alive. Haha! September was crazy. Crazy but fun. I was supposed to update last week, but my website is ongoing migration (yes, I'm moving to WP!). However, for some reason, it was delayed so I'm back to Blogspot for now so here goes my quick recap of my September life affair.
(1) Light set-up shoot practice for my wedding photography apprenticeship. I really pray that the day will come that I can attend more shoots.
(2) APCC Presscon!! Mira and I attended the presscon (me for WIM, she for WGG) and it was a lot of fun. We got to meet Jeremy Shada, Make Out Monday, Allison Harvard, J*Ryu, and Vampy Bit Me.
(3) And we were also able to cover the 3-day AsiaPOP Comicon!! WOOT! Thanks to the awesome people I worked with and allowed WeGoneGeek to cover the event. It was the most tiring con I've been to. Like for realz. Haha! BUT IT WAS MOTHERDUCKIN MARVELOUS.
You can check out the APCC photos HERE.
(5) Media session with Colton Haynes.
(6) Pulled off our Steampunk Adventure Time cosplay!! You have no idea of the amount of cramming I poured on my get-up, so I was really happy that we pulled it off and looked pretty decent at it.
(7) PAUL BETTANY. Need I say more?
(8) Got my Iron Man helmet!!
(9) I've been playing Ingress for years now and it was the first time that I met other agents irl (except my friends), so it was quite a surprise to finally meet the people behind the IGNs that I've known for some time now.
(10) A Sunday of just playing with my pens and watercolor. It was a short but good break. ♥
(11) And suddenly, team building at the middle of the week. In Batangas. With no signal. I think I experienced internet sepanx during our stay there. Haha! But I enjoyed it a lot and made me appreciate my job more and the tasks I render to the company.
(12) Ended my Thursday with a cake hangout with Kevin. He's the guy behind the funny memes at the 'Suit Up Commuter'. Go follow him, guys! He's incredibly nice!
(13) Komiket was held last weekend and I went there to support my artist friends, MNG group. Grace sold fandom stickers (which I hoarded btw) and this Fe Man sticker is one of em. Get it, get it? Iron?
(14) I also had to buy this Heneral Luna print. Because HENERAL LUNA. It is now one of my favorite Filipino films and if you haven't watched it yet, I am telling you now (with immense conviction) to GO and WATCH IT.
(15) And last Sunday, I was able to stay at the Red Planet Hotels in Ortigas which was very convenient as it is near my workplace so my Monday was a whole lot better with the reduced commute to work. :)
Andddd that's it! I have lots of stories in the gaps of these photos but let's deal with that next time. Okay?
Also, WeGoneGeek's first and second episode is out! Check it outtt yow!
Episode 1 - What is a GEEK?
Episode 2 - WeGoneGeek Goes to AsiaPOP Comicon 2015!
And our website is already up and running as well! Hope you can give it a visit!
Smell ya later, guys! xx
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Life Lately Chapter 7
And just like that, 3 weeks have passed. I was again caught in a whirlwind of work, friends and WeGoneGeek. But my heart is happy (not in a romantic way, okay). Haha! I hope you guys are doing well and life is treating you well. :)
So here I am and I will try to pack into this massive blog post the past 3 weeks. Hope you guys won't get too bored! I would very much love to hear from you lot!
Aside from the crazy workload that's constantly on my shoulder, here are the happenings that made my little sunshine-y heart a heap more grateful and happy.
(1) Office after-work game nights. We've played Resistance and I always get accused as the spy. Haha!
(2) Uniqlo x Star Wars new line was released!! I got myself a sweater that is now a favorite.
(3) I got new glasses! (not that one though) But invested in a multi-coated, transition lens. :D My wallet is crying but my eyes are happy. Less blinding noontime sunlight!
(4) Late night shenanigans with my beloved lolas. ❤
(5) Watched La Cage Aux Folles!! Audie Gemora and Michael De Mesa = AMAZING. The Cagelles (?) were so lovely. They have better legs than me. :)))
(6 & 7) Spent the long weekend in La Union with my sister, crafty people, and the sea. Played with the dogs as the night crawled. It was one of those memories that I'll treasure.
(8) WEGONEGEEK!! I don't how to express my love and pride for WGG and my WGG girls. They made my little dream into reality. We have a couple of videos already up on our YT channel which you can find here. Our Episode 1 is coming out soon! But we've done two unboxing videos already! Heck yeah!!
(9) We stayed up for the #ForceFriday unveiling. It was tiring and draining but really fun. Also, it sealed my desire to seriously get a Saberforge as a Christmas gift to myself. =P
(10) My second Brush Lettering workshop happened last weekend! This time with an intro to digitizing. :) It was a fun class and I really, really hope that they enjoyed and learned a lot. I hope that I can do more workshops in the future!
(11) On the same day of my workshop, I get to shoot Against The Current's concert and went with a new good friend (and awesome Tony Stark cosplayer), Kevin. Ended the weekend on a great note. I can't be more thankful.
and (12) I want you guys to meet Arthur, the Whatever Shark. :D I love sharks (sharkmaine!) so I was really happy to take him home with me.
So there, thanks to everyone who made my past three weeks wonderful. It was crazy, tiring, lack of sleep, terrible traffic in Manila, the stress, and did I mention crazy? Still, I'm grateful to have made it mid-September with high hopes... but still a lot of work to finish. Whew.
Smell you guys later! Leave some love! x
So here I am and I will try to pack into this massive blog post the past 3 weeks. Hope you guys won't get too bored! I would very much love to hear from you lot!
Aside from the crazy workload that's constantly on my shoulder, here are the happenings that made my little sunshine-y heart a heap more grateful and happy.
(1) Office after-work game nights. We've played Resistance and I always get accused as the spy. Haha!
(2) Uniqlo x Star Wars new line was released!! I got myself a sweater that is now a favorite.
(3) I got new glasses! (not that one though) But invested in a multi-coated, transition lens. :D My wallet is crying but my eyes are happy. Less blinding noontime sunlight!
(4) Late night shenanigans with my beloved lolas. ❤
(5) Watched La Cage Aux Folles!! Audie Gemora and Michael De Mesa = AMAZING. The Cagelles (?) were so lovely. They have better legs than me. :)))
(6 & 7) Spent the long weekend in La Union with my sister, crafty people, and the sea. Played with the dogs as the night crawled. It was one of those memories that I'll treasure.
(8) WEGONEGEEK!! I don't how to express my love and pride for WGG and my WGG girls. They made my little dream into reality. We have a couple of videos already up on our YT channel which you can find here. Our Episode 1 is coming out soon! But we've done two unboxing videos already! Heck yeah!!
(9) We stayed up for the #ForceFriday unveiling. It was tiring and draining but really fun. Also, it sealed my desire to seriously get a Saberforge as a Christmas gift to myself. =P
(10) My second Brush Lettering workshop happened last weekend! This time with an intro to digitizing. :) It was a fun class and I really, really hope that they enjoyed and learned a lot. I hope that I can do more workshops in the future!
(11) On the same day of my workshop, I get to shoot Against The Current's concert and went with a new good friend (and awesome Tony Stark cosplayer), Kevin. Ended the weekend on a great note. I can't be more thankful.
and (12) I want you guys to meet Arthur, the Whatever Shark. :D I love sharks (sharkmaine!) so I was really happy to take him home with me.
So there, thanks to everyone who made my past three weeks wonderful. It was crazy, tiring, lack of sleep, terrible traffic in Manila, the stress, and did I mention crazy? Still, I'm grateful to have made it mid-September with high hopes... but still a lot of work to finish. Whew.
Smell you guys later! Leave some love! x
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Product Review: MySlim Yerba Mate Drink and Capsules

FACT: I love to eat. But not a big fan of exercising. I'm plump on some parts and I never had wishes of getting slim but rather I just want to be fit.
And for me to achieve this, I don't need to diet but rather live a healthy lifestyle. So with that, I bought myself a folding bike and constantly trying to bike at least twice a week.
Just in time with my realizations of wanting to be fit so that I can do more things (especially those that require lots of physical exertion), I received a package in the mail from MySlim.
Let me clear that I am not a fan of slimming products, as I thought of them as not really effective and also quite scary to take (imagine the possible side effects). Skepticism at its best! However, I gave MySlim a try as it was also highly recommended by a foodie friend. A thought immediately came to mind, if this works, it means that I can eat more. Haha!
So I actually tried it and a few weeks later, results may have not been that obvious but I am very happy as to how it helped me detox and also made my discharge schedule regular (I've been a long-time constipated human being); and it reduced my water weight (which is surprisingly a lot). So overall, I was happy with it and no side effects too.
mySlim Yerba Mate comes in a sugar-free drink and in capsule form. The drink comes in 200ml bottle and tastes like strawberry juice so you'll enjoy drinking it ice-cold. Fair warning though that it is best to drink it when you have no plans of heading out as it will really cleanse your tummy and numerous trips to the bathroom will be made. But ain't it a good feeling when your tummy feels all light after all the food you ate.

The MySlim Detox and Fat Burner Drink is made to detoxify, burn fat, and boost energy. And it is due to its three primary ingredients: Palatinose, Carnipure, and EFLA920.
Now, let's get all science-y here. Palatinose is naturally derived from sucrose and it functions by controlling the release of glucose into the blood. Now what does that mean? Sustained glucose (in layman's term, sugar!) in the blood means stable energy levels for a longer period of time.
Carnipure on the other hand, is also known as the ever popular L-carnitine, but of the higher quality. Carnitine works by burning fat and converting it to usable energy.
And EFLA920 comes from the yerba mate or green mate leaf extract. It works by increasing energy and facilitating weight loss; and also suppresses appetite, reduces resorption of fat and increases fat burn. Hence why it works great with Carnipure. And oh, it also has antioxidant properties and activates the metabolic process.
Then there's also the capsule form. It's called the MySlim Natural Fat Burner Complex Capsule. What's the difference? One, is it's more convenient that the drink and second, is it has a more concentrated form of Carnipure and EFLA920. So this is for a more hardcore fat burning process. It also contains Metaburn, which enhances and speeds up your metabolism.
How to use MySlim? Take 1 bottle of MySlim Slimming and Detox drink before going to bed every other day (ideally) or three times a week. Again, a reminder that it is best to stay at home the next day as it will seriously send you multiple times to the toilet. Imagine having an LBM, it's just like that but in a good way because it's flushing out all the toxins in your body. A bottle is sold at Php89.00 and there's also a sachet pack available for Php69.00.
Take your fat burning to the next level by having the capsules twice daily (highly suggested to take after breakfast and after dinner). I've noticed that when I intake the capsule, my cravings lessen. So that's a good thing! Also, taking the capsule won't send you running to the bathroom. It's like a follow through of the drink detox.
I still have a bottle of my MySlim capsules and 2 bottles of drink and I should update you guys after I consume all of it. :D Here's to hoping I lose more inches! #walangimposible
MySlim Yerba Mate is available at 7-11 stores, Mercury Drugstores, Watsons, Robinsons Supermarket, Southstar drugstore, Landmark Supermarket, and Rose Pharmacy.
For more info, you can visit You can also order from there or call (632) 9279227, or sms 0998-994-8888. You can email as well at
And oh, don't forget to like them on Facebook:
Monday, August 17, 2015
Life Lately Chapter 6
I am sorry that I missed a complete week of posting. Not because I've been lazy but work is crazy and I've been spending my time making more moments with people dear to me and also, sleeping. But of course, I won't let another day pass without catching up with you guys. I hope you guys are holding up well and doing great as the half of August just swept by that quick.
Wednesday (August 5) -- backtracking for two weeks!!
It was quite special because I've met up with someone dear to me. It was great to catch up after a while. :)
That week, we also released Episode 0 of WeGoneGeek!! :D I am so proud of us! Do check it out and maybe subscribe to our YT channel?
The rest of the week was spent meeting friends, working (!) and we met up over the weekend for GISHWHES! GISHWHES is the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen and it was my first time to join this year. I had so much fun despite the time restraints hence we were only able to do limited tasks. Our other team mates (from all over the world) were all kinds of awesome and went the extra mile to tick off some tasks from the list. Shoutout to Misha's Jaguar Pack team!! :D You guys are the best!

Quite a stressful day. We had a pre-trial at the RTC (long story) that got rescheduled to September and I got sick as well. -__-" What a way to start the week.
Tuesdays are quiz night days. And it was also my younger sister's cake day! Happy Birthday,
Anddddd I also got a new baby -- TOLITS!! (Magka-Tolits man lang ako sa buhay) Hahaha!!
Been playing with it for a while now and it's almost always with me. So far, I'm happy with it! It's compact and output is superb. *lives on cup noodles for the rest of the month* Haha!
Rest of the weekdays were not really eventful. Just busy with work (as always) and last Friday, I presented at work regarding competitors of the brands we work with and some social media trends. My nerves were twitching all throughout the presentation but I think I did well. And I'm quite proud of the deck that I made.
Here comes the weekend!!
Attended a Watercolor and Food Illustration workshop by my good friend, Jane (@eats_eggs_for_lunch on IG) and it was really fun! :D

Hi Janeeeeey!! Thanks for the awesome workshop! Sama naman ako sa tile stamp next time! And salt dough clay!

My output!! It was a good day to renew dormant creativity. :) Now, I'm feeling kinda pumped to get back on making artsy stuff.
PS. I have a workshop this weekend! Details at the end of the post! :")
Had brunch with a really close friend for his birthday! Happy Birthday, dude! xo
I also picked up these cutest paos from Mrs. K's Deco Pastries! Spent the afternoon shooting em and will write about it soon on WhenInManila.
Teaser photo! Yep, fandoms on food! Baymax siopaaaao!! :3 ♥
How's Monday treating you guys? :)
Also, I'll be having a Brush Lettering x Digitizing workshop this coming Saturday, August 22, 12nn-4pm at 100 Miles Cafe in BGC! Slots are still available!
You can sign up here:
I hope to see you there! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Life Lately Chapter 5
So I've decided to change my CURRENTLY series to LIFE LATELY, so that I can share more stuff with you guys by doing a recap of my previous week and also what's currently going on with me. Hope that's alright! :)
Met up with friends from Thomson Reuters and had dinner with them. It's nice to catch up with people you practically consider as family. We dined at Corazon in EDSA Shang and we got so amused by their servers' names. :P And their suman in tsokolate is really good. :3
PS. Take care on your trip, Enny Wenny!
Tuesday was just okay. I attended an event launch for YouPoundIt and hello, hello -- Sir RA, Ramon Bautista, Jun Sabayton, and Lourd De Veyra was there! :D Also, Tuesdays are quiz nights! If you're in the Ortigas area, do join us in Mario's Kitchen for a night of brain exercise! It starts at 8:30-ish, usually 9. No reg fee, just order from the menu and there's no limit to team members so gather your friends! Did I mention Mario's has awesome churros? ;)
Wednesday - Thursday
Pretty uneventful. Just spend it mauling over work stuff. Went to Sucat in the morning to take care of my other 'job' and then back to Ortigas in the afternoon. The things we do for work! ~__~
Last Friday we had a house warming + birthday party for my mama and aunt. I immediately rushed from work so I
Also, we had a mock presentation at work and I got a lovely compliment from the bosses that my speaking mentor (from highschool) would be so proud of. :D I'm not fond of presentations as I get anxious like there's no tomorrow but when I get serious, I make sure I apply all that I learned from my public speaking days. It actually boosted a bit of my confidence. So, thank you bosses! ^_^
My hair color journey went into full circle last Saturday as we bleached and toned my hair and actually achieved a shade of silver/gray that I've been wanting for so long. It was supposed to be blue but we have gray a try and I am happy we did. I'll re-dye it again with silver dye instead. :D Also had a late night shrimp-loaded dinner with Grace! She went blue-green this time!
RAK OF AEGIS day!! For the third time! I know. I'm such a fan. :") I was supposed to go with le familia for a date but due to inevitable circumstances, it became a date with my mama. I'm not complaining but I wished the sibs could go see it too because I want to expose them to the PH theater scene and also to how amazing our local shows are. Maybe next time!
I took a leave from work because it's attorney day. Long story but we had to visit our family attorney to talk about something important. It was quite draining really but I'm relieved as to how things are threading. My fingers are crossed for things to get better.
At a coffee shop. Working while passing time and waiting for my friends for quiz night!
And watching Gaki no Tsukai! Hahahaha!! I've been watching episodes the whole week and it's a good picker-upper.
Surprisingly, I am productive when I'm not working at home. Particularly at this place too (Tully's Coffee in Ortigas), probably because it's not crowded and the ambiance is cozy.
Also, we're gonna shoot an unboxing tonight!:D
And that's it! Ang daldal ko haha!
How's your week going so far guys?
Sunday, July 26, 2015
WeGoneGeek Coming Soon!
While delving into my inner geek persona a few months back, a thought of starting a YT channel featuring geeky stuff and whatnots came into my mind and I said, hey why not?
I opened the idea to some of my geek girl friends and I'm glad that they were interested to jump into the dark, unknown pit with me and start WeGoneGeek.
So here we are, shot our teaser photos yesterday and talked about our plans. THIS IS IT!
Hope you guys will check out WGG! You can like our page or follow us on IG! @wegonegeek
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