I am sorry that I missed a complete week of posting. Not because I've been lazy but work is crazy and I've been spending my time making more moments with people dear to me and also, sleeping. But of course, I won't let another day pass without catching up with you guys. I hope you guys are holding up well and doing great as the half of August just swept by that quick.
Wednesday (August 5) -- backtracking for two weeks!!
It was quite special because I've met up with someone dear to me. It was great to catch up after a while. :)
That week, we also released Episode 0 of WeGoneGeek!! :D I am so proud of us! Do check it out and maybe subscribe to our YT channel?
The rest of the week was spent meeting friends, working (!) and we met up over the weekend for GISHWHES! GISHWHES is the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen and it was my first time to join this year. I had so much fun despite the time restraints hence we were only able to do limited tasks. Our other team mates (from all over the world) were all kinds of awesome and went the extra mile to tick off some tasks from the list. Shoutout to Misha's Jaguar Pack team!! :D You guys are the best!

Quite a stressful day. We had a pre-trial at the RTC (long story) that got rescheduled to September and I got sick as well. -__-" What a way to start the week.
Tuesdays are quiz night days. And it was also my younger sister's cake day! Happy Birthday,
Anddddd I also got a new baby -- TOLITS!! (Magka-Tolits man lang ako sa buhay) Hahaha!!
Been playing with it for a while now and it's almost always with me. So far, I'm happy with it! It's compact and output is superb. *lives on cup noodles for the rest of the month* Haha!
Rest of the weekdays were not really eventful. Just busy with work (as always) and last Friday, I presented at work regarding competitors of the brands we work with and some social media trends. My nerves were twitching all throughout the presentation but I think I did well. And I'm quite proud of the deck that I made.
Here comes the weekend!!
Attended a Watercolor and Food Illustration workshop by my good friend, Jane (@eats_eggs_for_lunch on IG) and it was really fun! :D

Hi Janeeeeey!! Thanks for the awesome workshop! Sama naman ako sa tile stamp next time! And salt dough clay!

My output!! It was a good day to renew dormant creativity. :) Now, I'm feeling kinda pumped to get back on making artsy stuff.
PS. I have a workshop this weekend! Details at the end of the post! :")
Had brunch with a really close friend for his birthday! Happy Birthday, dude! xo
I also picked up these cutest paos from Mrs. K's Deco Pastries! Spent the afternoon shooting em and will write about it soon on WhenInManila.
Teaser photo! Yep, fandoms on food! Baymax siopaaaao!! :3 ♥
How's Monday treating you guys? :)
Also, I'll be having a Brush Lettering x Digitizing workshop this coming Saturday, August 22, 12nn-4pm at 100 Miles Cafe in BGC! Slots are still available!
You can sign up here: http://manilaworkshops.com/events/brush-lettering-x-digitizing
I hope to see you there! :)

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