Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello April!!

APRIL is finally here!

Why am I so excited? 
1) It's my birth month! :D I don't have anything special planned for it under my sleeve but I hope happy things will come my way.
2) It's nice to know that I have gained new-found friends that share the same birthmonth with me -- Tere & Del (my officemate and her fiancee), Loti, blogger friends Meream and Krissy and Gerard Way (one of my inspirations!). Before, I always complain why I don't have friends to celebrate April with but now, the more, the merrier! :)
3) To celebrate mine, Tere & Del's birthday and also our (me + officemates) way of sacrifice for the lent, we decided to do an outreach to pay it forward!
4) ANAWANGIN TRIP! With my beloved highschool Superfriends and hopefully with my spark. This is a non-superficial message for you to come with us. Lol.
5) Another Analog Nation get together! Picnic + shoot will always be epic fun.
6) Opportunities coming my way. I can't be more grateful.

On a different note, I went on a shopping spree last night. And this is my stash.

Preparations for the camping trip next week! I hope my grubby fingers won't be tempted to take on the Cheetos this weekend. Haha!!

Welcome again, April! Be very nice to me.


  1. April is going to be SUPER AWESOME!!! Happy birthmonth to us, Mimai! ♥

    PS: Join my giveaway! ;D

  2. Krissy!! Happy birthmonth to us indeed! :D
    Yep yep, I will join yer giveaway!


Awesome of you to drop by, care to leave a comment? :)