Here Comes Summer.
Because April will always be Summer for me (okay, it's biased because April is my birthmonth but if I were to choose I'd make April wintertime) =P~
Quite a time had passed already since our last outing and I badly miss it since it's our only bonding time. So when my siblings had announced that it was officially their vacation, it was the GO signal for a family outing. We were supposed to head for Pagsanjan Falls in Laguna but alas the tourguide-slash-family friend was knocked by chickenpox thus cancelling the trip to the falls. And we just figured the last minute that the van can't contain us all, so we have to bring the car and I have to exchange drives with the mother for the trip. I was in deep dissent of just resorting to Pansol (bah, not again) instead. No no no no. So I said that we drive somewhere south and decide when we get there, just no to Pansol -- que horror.
Thank goodness for passing by Caliraya! We decided that we try the lake -- and no regrets siree. Everything turned out as another perfect family outing. Officially, it's Hello Summer!!
The weather was perfect for a roadtrip and it was soooo windy in Caliraya! Not to mention the wind was unbelievably chilly that I had to endure the cold when I took a dip.
The view was breathtaking.
Sort of sand. Soil. Mud. But fun nevertheless. The copper colored ground made the photos more inneresting.
My unusual extended family. I love them to bits! Two are my aunts, the mother, the three musketeers, my nephew (hrhrhr, chubby little boy ^__^), the mother's sort-of secretary and the rest are our helpers in the house.
Jumpshots are mandatory at the beach. Well, in this case, lake.
Not advisable to wear light colored garments when swimming because the soil will stain. Good thing I bought the necessary black comfort shirt that I wear on my adventures. No swimwears this time (haha, as if I have something to flaunt it with!) because I wasn't in the mood to fashown for summer photos' sake that time so plain shirt and shorts will do. Maybe when I get myself something yellow and sunshine-y anytime soon, we'll see. ;P
My favorite photos into one from last weekend. Doing the hipster triangle was fun, haha! And I love how my hair turned out in this photo. And the sky and the soil. And the sly look on my face. And how this photo can be used as a future invitation to something special. :)
Let this Summer time be an invitation for the believers, lovers, dreamers and the like.For this is a celebration of everything that keeps us alive. :)What are your plans this summer?
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