Two more months and it's hello 2012 already. Time flies fast indeed. I've been through a lot of things/happening/stress for the past half a month that I've been missing my blogging duties (I feel sad for this, really).
So let me just give a fast recap on how my life went for the past month.

★ I won a giveaway from Fika Fika Fika. First time I won something this much so I felt extra lucky and terribly happy (yes, I'm mababaw like that).

★ My sort-of reporting at work fell on an October date, first week of October was preoccupied because of it. I said hello to making graphs again after quite some time. It consumed an amount of brain cells I tell you.

★ My Zamboanga trip that I unexpectedly didn't enjoy much. :( Maybe because I lacked sleep that weekend and I went there with the oldies so it didn't involved much exploration because the seniors got tired immediately. I hoarded chocolates from the barter though. And ate a lot. At least it became a worthy foodtrip.

★ I bought a new baby that I named Magic. Why? See next photo. :)
I am yet to utilize it fully and I'm really excited for it. Thank God for this!

★ We paid a visit to the Magic 89.9 booth for the Boys Night Out primarily because Ramon Bautista was there that day (yes, I do have a crush on him). It was 2 years ago when we last visited their booth, and man, I feel old.

★ The Game of Thrones. Need I say more? I got addicted to the tv series. Thanks to my dear officemates who introduced it to me. But I am disappointed with how the season ended. My favorite characters, huhu.

★ Office Team Building. I was one of the organizers and the theme was Amazing Race. It was fun and tiring. And I lost a loooot of sleep. But I had one of my best moments with friends that Team Building night. ♥

★ And then came the impulsive decision -- YES! I colored my hair entirely in red-orange! Isn't it awesome?
I will make a separate post on my crazy hair adventure.

★ Then came the office Halloween event(on the 27th)! The theme was Super Mario! I was part of the live action show (more of that later) and guess what? Our department won!

★ I got invited to an event which is held annually. Seven years ago, I won the same competition and they asked me to be a guest. It was such an honor but I was unprepared for the short interview segment! And I died from the color of my hair! Haha! All eyes on my hair under the spotlight!
My November adventures are starting to pile up and I am trying to be religious as to share them with you guys through photos and a few words. I hope you forgive me for the looooong MIA mode I've been into. Doing my best to keep the inspiration to blog burning. I hope the developing cold weather won't shut if off and just lure me to spend my hours hibernating! Haha.
Backlogs coming up! :) Have a very sweet November!
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