Just when I thought my birthday month was over, it got a little bit extended to May. :)
Things have been very busy lately (what's new!) but all is good! Thank you Lord! My first of May was welcomed by my pc getting broken but thanks D for fixing it asap. ♥
My work team mates didn't forget my birthday, it just got a little delayed. Haha! Thank you guys for giving me a week's supply of my favorite iced tea! For the quiz-embedded greeting and the ultimate chocolate cake! Yay! Me loves you all! :) Thank you! :*

Writing about Van Gogh is Bipolar. One of my favorite magical places on earth.
Also, my article for When In Manila got published yesterday! Writing it was grueling because I suffer a lifetime writer's block and my muse for writing also has a short attention span like me. Good things! EIC said it was nice and he loved loved loved (yes, I emphasize that he said it thrice) the photos. :)
MARVEL-ous May is doing good so far and I can't be more thankful. Blessings overload! Thank you! :)
Blessings like these inspires me to work harder for what I want and do what I do best.
And I'd like to call this month as Marvelous May dedicated to my new-found love Marvel movie The Avengers. I can't tell you enough how much I love the movie. REALLY. SRSLY. I am thinking of doing a post about it but let's see if time permits. I'm afraid all that I'm gonna write is about how much I love Mark Ruffalo and him being Bruce Banner/The Hulk and Tom Hiddleston (Loki). Okay, I'm starting to fangirl now. Haha! Until my next post then!
PS. But I really can't wait to travel soon.
PPS. I'm watching the Avengers for the third time this weekend.
PPPS. Who knows if there's a fourth, fifth, (...) time. :))
PPPS. Who knows if there's a fourth, fifth, (...) time. :))
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