Finally! We're having our
birthdate!! It's been a while already since me &
Krissy have attempted to set a date for us to well, have a bloggerfriends' date (attempts dating back Christmas of 2010, hehe). Even before April came, we were already planning on what we should do to celebrate our birthmonth but April came, still, no idea came in mind. Until this week's spontaneous conversation that ended up to a concrete birthdate plan! Hurray!! ^___^ Due to some time constraints, we could only settle on doing it on holy week (actually, it is tomorrow already!). I am already excited for tomorrow! We're gonna be having our date in Noriter Cafe (biased because this is my favorite place) and we're gonna try their giant halo-halo!! ARGHHHH!!! Just what I need to beat the summer heat. After that we can always head to the Collective in Malugay or go thrifting. :) Sounds like the perfect birthdate, isn't it?
See you tomorrow
And yes, how I really wish you can be with us tomorrow Ms. Bored and Crafty (who just had a very lovely tattoo) I just really have to say it, lol. It'll be one hellafun birthdate if yer here.
Yiheeee so excited! I agree, you should really be with us Meream, April celebrators! ♥